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Samples of online GIFs that I post on which has garnered a total of 3 Billion views across all my posts. I sell the art from these animations at my business, inoiseaguy. Each animation on average has 20-30 frames, while some can be as high as 70 frames, or as low as 6 frames.

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Starting in 2024, I had an increasing interest in public street art. That is when I began printing out the frames from my animations and wheat pasting them in public. I only paste them on legal walls, and try to be as respectful as I can.

GIPHY commission of a series of 10 clown themed gifs titled, Clowning Around. All 10 gifs were created in May of 2023.

sticker balloon.gif
sticker haircut.gif
sticker hats.gif
sticker pie.gif
sticker snow cone.gif
sticker bubble.gif
sticker cookie.gif
sticker flower.gif
sticker hammers.gif
sticker paint.gif

Animated GIFs created for the social justice agency, TaskForce, from September 2020 - February 2021.

All the GIFs were made during the 2020 presidential election and the Covid-19 pandemic, all the work deals with those subjects.

go all in.GIF
protect immigrant workers gif created by jimmy arca
dodgers nation vs hate gif created by jimmy arca
mlk quote.gif
vote early gif created by jimmy arca
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This animated gif of a child playing harmonica that I created in January 2021 was featured in the French mini docuseries #AMiNORMAL. The eight episode series deals with different mental disorders that are relatively new to the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders). 

My animation was purchased from the production team and it appears in the sixth episode about hoarders. The animated gif appears at the 8:50 mark.

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